Heeba believes in providing the highest level of customer service and is continuously innovating to meet customer expectations. For all your order values above Rs. 1000, we provide free delivery. A wide range of products are available through our express delivery and slotted delivery service.Best quality products for our quality-conscious customers.
Heeba is synonymous with superior quality and continues to strive for higher levels of customer trust and confidence, by taking feedback and giving our customers what they want.When it comes to payment, we have made it easy for our customers can pay through multiple payment channels like Credit and Debit cards, Internet Banking, MPAY OR simply pay Cash on Delivery (COD).
Why I Should Use Heeba?
We respect people as much as we respect the planet.
It's no longer just the privilege of a metro city or an urban area to shop online for their favorite products.
Heeba is one online shopping site that has made it possible for consumers even in the remote areas of India to avail products from the best brands at low prices online.
Considering the present lifestyle of people, it's no surprise that they prefer to buy online most of the products that they need on grocery, electronics, mobiles, products for the like.
The ultimate convenience of having to simply browse through their favorite online shopping website and place orders from the comfort of their home, and get it delivered in the shortest time possible at their doorstep is a service that is unbeatable.