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Image by Ryo Yoshitake
Working VISA
Employment Eligibility: Engineer/Specialist in humanities/International services visa

The “Engineer/Specialist in humanities/International services” visa is based on a contract with a company within Japan and is used to invite foreigners to engage in work that requires professional expertise in the fields of science and humanities, or to engage in work that requires knowledge or services requiring thinking and sensitivity based on foreign cultures.


It is generally required for foreigners to obtain  employment eligibility (i.e. a work visa) in order to stay in Japan and work full-time. The Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services visa is a typical work visa that is mainly for technicians and white-collar professionals. Most foreigners employed at the average Japanese company obtain and work on an Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services visa. This visa does not correspond to simple or unskilled labor.


※Previously, this visa used to be split into two categories -- Engineer and Specialist in Humanities/International Services -- but they were combined into one visa in April 2015 due to a legal amendment.

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