Our Services
A Passion For Justice, Our Practice Areas

Landlord, Tenant Services
Representation at Landlord and tenant Board under Residential Tenancies Act, Ontario.The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) resolves disputes between residential landlords and tenants.
Provincial Offences
Representation for Provincial offences for e.g. Traffic tickets, Municipal By laws etc.

Small Claims Court
Representation at Small Claims Court.The Small Claims Court hears civil claims for $35,000 or less. I represent both Plaintiffs and Defendants. Plaintiffs if they want to sue someone and Defendants if they are already sued by someone. I also offer services for enforcement of orders including garnishments and writes.
Conviction Offences
Summary Conviction offences under the criminal code where the maximum sentence is no greater than 6 months in jail and/or $5000.00 fine, or when the charge is a hybrid offence and the Crown elects to proceed summarily.

Affidavits & Notarise Services
I commission oaths for affidavits, statutory declarations and notarize documents also