Varlakshmi Micro Services Federation is an Organization exclusively working for the BPL in Rural Areasest of BPL in Rural Areas by providing them financial support on time and in an effective manner with a mission to help them out of poverty, to uplift their living standard and not only to help them out poverty but also to ensure that they do not fall back into poverty again by providing vital service of health and education.
Varlakshmi Micro Services Federation has its presence in 4 states in the country which are – Punjab, Haryana, U.P & Bihar.
Project Strategy/Design
Our Health Services spreads awareness among the clients on the basic health practices through our Community Health Facilitators (CHFs) and assists our sick clients with the support of registered medical practitioners so that they remain healthy and can minimize their expenses on health related problems.
BPL women are selected from amongst our clients to become Community Health Facilitators (CHFs) to improve the level of Health and Hygiene awareness in their community. CHFs are trained by the Healing Fields Foundation in two phases. Phase 1 comprises of 6-months of classroom training on topics like health, nutrition, personal and environmental hygiene, kitchen, water, vector borne diseases and other allied topics.
Phase 2 comprises of 6 months of internship after which they learn to deliver these modules in their own villages. Thereafter they offer these services in nearby villages with priority for the members and other BPL households, averaging about 10 villagers per CHF.
Timelines for Classroom, Internship &Health Education
Estimated duration to complete one batch training with the launch of health savings and microenterprise:
Geographic mapping and Selection of trainees 1 month.
Classroom Training 6 months.
Internship 6 months (launch of Health savings & Micro enterprise during internship).
Total duration 13 months.
They Handed over to Varlakshmi Micro Services Federation in which they continue to give 15 modules of Health Education to 15 Centres of Varlakshmi Micro Services Federation.
Who can be CHF’s?
Client’s age should be from 29 to 45.
At least she should be passed class 8th and must know reading & writing.
She must be having a bank account.
She must be client of an MFI and at least one lone cycle she has completed.