Immigration Program
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Care giver plays an important role in Canada's economy and society. Due to its aging population and low birth rate, Canada provides numerous immigration and work permit pathways to caregivers. Canda has a long history of welcoming caregivers to support its economy and society. One of the reason why Canada has a leading immigration system is it is always looking to modernise its immigration policies and programs.
In this spirit, Canada has reformed its caregiver pathways for permanent residence in recent years. It currently operates two pilot programs for care givers who wish to obtain permanent residence.
The pilots also give applicants the opportunity to obtain temporary work permits while they wait for permanent residence. Each program accepts a maximum of 2,750 principal applicants, for a total of 5,500 principal applicants, per year.
Home Child Care Provider Pilot:
Home childcare providers help parents look after children and may be required to help with household duties. Care can be provided either in their own homes or in their employe(s homes which is different from the Live in Caregiver Program which requires caregivers to live in their employer's home.
This program is open to applicants with the following job titles:
Au pair
Childcare live-in-caregiver
Childcare provider - private home
Parent's helper
Foster parent
Babysitter - fitness center
Babysitter - shopping center
Home Support Worker Pilot:
Home support wo.rkers help seniors,people with disabilities,and individuals in rehabilitation by providing personalcare and companionship during times of recovery,incapacitation,and family disruption.Duties include but are not limited to preparing meals,feeding,bathing,changing dressings,administering medications,and other routine housekeeping duties.Care is in their employe(s or client's homes,in which the home support worker may be required to live.Home support workers may also care for children howeverit must not be their primary responsibility.
This program is open to applicants with the following job titles: :
Attendant for persons with disabilities - home care
Family caregiver
Home support worker
Live-in caregiver - senior
Personal aide - home support
Personal care attendant - home care
Respite worker - home support
Home visitor - infant care
The most beneficial factor between these programs and the LCP is that it enables you to change employers if so desired as well as : Allows your family members to join you in Canada.
Both the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot offer permanent residence to caregivers who meet the following criteria:
Have at least 24 months of full-time qualifying work experience in the 36 months before submittingyour application.
Language tests results showing a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 5. One year of Canadian post-secondary education or the foreign equivalent; and Pass an admissibility check (health, criminality, and security).
You may be eligible to apply for the Home Child Care Pilot or the Home Support Worker Pilot if you meet the following requirements.
Valid Job Offer
First and foremost,you will require an official offer from a Canadian employer which shows it will be a full-time position wherein you work a minimum of 30 hours a week. It needs to be clear that there is a real need to hire you and may not be from an embassy, high commission, or consulate. The offer may not be for work in the province of Quebec.
Home Childcare Pilot - The children must be under 18 years of age and cared for in your own home oryour employer's home,but you do not have to livein your employer's home.
Home Support Worker Pilot - The person may be cared for in your own home or your employer's home, but you do not have to live inyour employer's home.