The qualifying individuals may apply for admission by opting for any of the following ways :
To apply for the admission in the academy the student need to produce education certificates, age and address proof accompanied by recent passport size photograph. If the applicant is considered to be eligible he needs to undergo the counselling session at the campus. For the session candidate has to fix prior appointment for the meeting.
To apply for the admission in the academy the student need to produce education certificates. age and address proof accompanied. by recent passport size photograph. If the applicant is considered to be eligible he needs to undergo the counselling session on phone. After the session the candidate any apply for the position by filling the form Application form can be filled. online through the website or can be sent to the postal with Rs 800, draft. After this student is required to deposit Rs 5000/- as the admission fees. The balance of the course amount will have to be submitted on the recognised dates. For further enquiry in regards to fee payment you can contact our admission department.
Candidate may choose the followings modes to make the payment: - Pay online through our website - Deposit cash or make a transfer in the academy's account via bank or ATM and the receipt is required to be mail DD to be made in favour of VPCF payable at (Sangli) and should be consign. through Speed post/registered post at the academy's officials address - Visit personally to make cash deposits Do not make fee payments into the personal accounts as any fees deposited in the account apart from account registered under will not be recognised.